Thursday, October 25, 2012


This will be an open blog about feminism.  Mainly, I'd like to make an open request that I have made numerous times before.

Let me start off by stating that I support the idea of feminism, equality between the genders.

However, that has never lead me to many of the same conclusions as the general feminists I have encountered.  Any time I post questions on feminist forums, blogs, etc., I am simply dismissed, ignored, blocked, deleted, or out right banned.

Let me get the areas in which I agree out of the way.
Women and men have equal rights and should be treated equally under the law and by society.
Women do have serious issues preventing equal treatment under the law and by society.
Most (all?) societies in the world are primarily patriarchies.

Now the primary area that I don't get when discussing issues with feminists is their obsession with the patriarchy.  It seems as if all of women's ills are blamed on the patriarchy.

So, if any feminists would be so kind, please provide evidence, or even a strong explanation, that the patriarchy actually causes any of the notable issues that women have.  Nothing I have read or been able to find actually shows any form of causation.

I will not moderate the comments and would genuinely like to have a civil discussion about the topic of feminism.  I am doing this here simply because every where I have attempted to do so is too heavily moderated.


  1. Good luck with that. Asking for facts and evidence? Patriarchal bastard! Don't you know that emotional arguments are just as valid? Insisting on facts proves you're a tool of the patriarchy.

    Excuse me while I go cry at my Android. It's not working. I'd take it to a phone repair shop, but the patriarchal bastards wanted me to pay for fixing it. They should have felt my pain at not having a phone, and fixed it to lower the moral injustices in society.

  2. I was hoping to have a serious discussion about feminism. I don't disagree with the definition of feminism. I simply disagree with most of the baggage they bring along with it. I am attempting to approach this in the same manner I would approach a theist.

    Of course, I don't really expect a feminist to actually try to support their arguments. The debates I have seen involving feminism have been with out substance; vacuous conjecture and emotional appeals.
